Gentlemen, since some don't seem to get it, allow me to say this - put some effort into how you look on a date. Friday I went on a 2nd date with *Brad. First date went well and he was dressed in work attire. This date - he shows up wearing a crappy black shirt (that has a rip in it) and cargo shorts that were dirty and didn't shave. You're basically telling me you don't care that much about the date. How do you expect there to be any romance? Is romance completely DEAD? What happened to guys who put maybe a LITTLE effort into dating? Then to top it off he tells me he smokes weed "occasionally" even though my profile specifically says my dates must be drug free. I must have done something completely evil in a former life, because my dating karma is shit.
Today, I met *Tim at a local amusement park for our 1st date. Yup, my blog readers, I landed another hick. I should've known (again), but man, they sneak in there with witty emails and such that when I speak to them on the phone, I can't tell and lose my Hick-dar. I pretty much knew it was over when he complained about how all Muslims are terrorists and told me that he "might" have a child, he's really not sure. He had a one-night stand. The girl told him she was pregnant and was naming the child after him and somehow they "lost touch" so he doesn't know if he has a kid. He said it so "I really don't care" that it made me a little mad. Also told me he's been on for 3 years yet he's separated right now and was married a year... can you do math because I sure can!!! Then after we were at the park a few hours he asks me if we can go back to my place to take a nap. Um, no dude, we aren't going to my place for anything. No hicks allowed.
I did meet a nice gentleman last night and I told him all about this lovely blog. I bet he's sweating bullets thinking "oh man is she doing to write about me?" Well, just remember, this is about the Dudes too... there are some good ones that make it on here. ; ) I gave him my number. We'll see if he calls. If not, there could be a blog about the "never called me" dud.. haha!