Um... there really are no words for this one. Okay guys, WHAT are you thinking when you post a picture like this as your MAIN picture on your profile on a dating site? Are you thinking that the ladies will LOVE your oh-so-stylish German Shepherd shirt? Seriously? This is about one step away from the now infamous 3 wolves shirt that became a hit on Amazon.com. But this my friends is scarier because this guy is NOT kidding. His profile mentions that his family loves German Sheperds. Really? I never would have guessed...
And I might add, in addition to this fab photo, there were 3 others... of the dog, 3 of this fine fellow, but 3 of the dog too. Am I going to date you or your dog? Are you thinking the ladies will see this and SWOON over your dog-loving nature? Think you're the sensitive man with the cute doggie shirt? Does he think this is REMOTELY attractive? If your main picture is supposed to show you in your BEST light, am I to expect that we will be sitting across from each other and as we enjoy a nice drink or a light meal I get to stare at... that dog shirt?
The truth is, we see this and think, "This is a guy who is WAY too into his dog." And that's just weird. Now you know why you are single. Hope you and the dog will be very happy.
On a positive note.. have a new date I'm actually excited about (no animal photos in his profile - yeah). We'll call him *Sam. Sam is a fellow teacher and we hit it off on the phone. Hoping the chemistry continues tomorrow night...