Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Am I the sugar-daddy type?

I was winked at by a 67 year old on (I'm 34) and this got be wondering... could I? His profile says he's "looking for someone to spend my time and money on". I have time. I don't have money. Could this be the perfect relationship?

Now I know some people have May-December relationships and GOD BLESS YOU! Hey - I'm not judging; I'm speaking of ME here and I've never been into dudes old enough to be my dad (and my dad is 69.. FYI) What would we possibly have in common? I get a creepy vibe from the whole thing. Again, just me.

Can I be a Gretchen? (the chic from Real Housewives of Orange County who hooked up with an old dude) Can I go out with a guy I'm totally and completely not interested in just because he has money? Could I spend every day... just for stuff? Hmmm.. I dunno. Let's weigh the pros and cons:

Free liquor (cuz damn, I would seriously need it)
My parents will have another pinochle buddy
Nice meals
I can learn to play shuffleboard
Find out what the hell canasta is
Fiber products at my disposal

Saggy ass
Saggy balls
Saggy jowls
Early bird specials
Pre-nuptial agreements
Living in retirement village (although the quiet would be nice)
Impending alcoholism caused by incessant drunken-ness
Boating with saggy ass, balls, jowls
Nice meals with saggy ass, balls, jowls
Vacations with saggy ass, balls, jowls

Yeah, that's a big fat no. It's not worth it.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I found your blog from the OH website. I, too, am doing the online dating thing. The older guys creep me out, too!! (I'm 42 and clearly state that I will not go out with anyone older than 45)