I love pets, really I do, but there's something just odd sometimes about the pet photos that guys post on the dating sites. Get this straight guys - we think pets are great, but they aren't children and ya know - there's something sort of weird about really "lovey" pictures of you with your pet (i.e. the guy above cradling his dog - WTF?). I think it's great to show a photo of your pet, yes ONE photo of your pet, but then, there's a fine line there. For instance, if you have 4 cats, you inadvertently look like the "crazy cat dude". You can't get around that label (though I will fully admit - I don't like cats). Now, I realize there are MANY people who do have lots of animals, but then, there are also a great many people who think having a lot of pets is a little... odd. Agree or disagree, I still feel pics like these have no place on the profile. Why? It's supposed to be the "best" you and these pics, let's face it will turn some women OFF. Personally, the cat one weirded me out because of the ghetto-looking steps and gas cans NEXT to the herd of cats, but maybe that's just me? And the dog-cradler? Well... that's some pet love I do NOT want anything to do with. He had a series of 3-4 pictures of him with his dogs. CREEPY, not cool.
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