Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The dating is back ON!!!!!!!

Oh, dating, how in many ways, I have missed you! After some hemming and hawing back & forth with Hal... it's really, truly completely over. Basically, I went off on him, which he totally had coming. And what I said, was what I really felt and damn it felt goooooooooooooood as helllllllllll. I'll tell you one thing, I'm a lady who knows when to throw in a towel, and it was time. He wanted his "alone time" and ya know what... now he has PLENTY of time for it, cuz well... he can BE alone now. I'm movin' on. For once, I haven't looked back and have slowly felt him dripping from my mind. Treat me badly once, shame on you. Treat me badly twice, 3 times, 4, and then try to punish me with childish games? Suck it. That's my saying, anyway.

So back to and two prospects going now. One we'll call "Yankee". Yankee emailed me but his email says, "I could have a lot of fun with you... hehehe". Now, is that awkward guy-speak, or really creepy, leechy code speak for "I wanna have fun in your pants"? The two languages are so similar, I'm having trouble decoding! Or maybe I've just been out of the game for too long.

My other prospect, we'll call "Baller" cuz according to his profile, he's got EVERYTHING I'm looking for, which of course means, he'll probably ignore me or it'll never work out.. LOL. Call me pessimistic!! UH.. I always hate that though, when you find that PERFECT profile, the one that rings "WOW, we are PERFECT for each other!" and then either he never contacts you or you talk on the phone and he's smoking weed (see previous posts).. it's always something (mental disorders). So here's to hopeful beginnings ladies and gents!!!

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