Friday, May 28, 2010

Please, please please let my hickdar be fixed!!

If you've read about my adventures dating men from the south, I have NO hickdar, no ability to spot a bonified HICK in this area of the world, though they lurk...everywhere, particularly this weekend with the Nascar race (Hickfest 2010). Literally EVERY guy I've met online who is from the south has been a hick. Recall - one told me that a chador-dressed Muslim was probably a "terrorist" at Carowinds amusement park. Another slapped my calf like I was a thoroughbred and laughed like a nut. Another told me my titties looked nice in my top. Seriously. What is up with the south?

So here I've met a new southern gent, although the "gent" part remains to be seen (please, please, be merciful!). His name - *Sean and he's a little older (46), but has a KILLER smile and seems very my type. Our first conversation lasted over an hour & 1/2 and he even called me again tonight, though I cut it a little short after 20 minutes. One rule of dating for me - don't talk TOO much before the date. Leave stuff to talk about ON the date. Also, I often find you can invest HOURS of talk time only to meet and fizzzzzzzzzzle... no spark. But he invited me to dinner, I agreed, so here we go again.

I'm praying for no hick-ness. No nickname of "jimbo" or "skeeter". No slapping of my body parts. No admiration of my body parts. Well, admiration, just no outward comment. I've just had bad luck finding a guy from the south with CLASS... that's the word. They have manners, but manners & class are too different things. Manners include saying "please" "thank you" and "ma'am" and "sir".

But class has to do with the things that you CHOOSE to let fly from your mouth. Such as "Ma'am, you have some incredible titties, girl! Please let me rub my little Jimbo on them" Very polite. Completely classless. See my issue?

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